

Individual &


My Healing Language is a transformative framework rooted in the wisdom of holistic, ancestral and indigenous practices. We recognize that each individual's well-being is a multifaceted and deeply personal journey. With this understanding, we have crafted a scalable holistic well-being program that embodies authenticity, adaptability, and customization while fostering strong relational connections.

Drawing inspiration from evidence-based and indigenous approaches to well-being, My Healing Language invites participants to develop a daily ritual practice that nurtures the four elemental facets of the self: the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. As individuals become fluent in their own unique Healing Language, they gain the invaluable ability to identify and comprehend their health needs from an intuitive place and cultivate equilibrium within each aspect of themselves.

Through our comprehensive process and tools, we aspire to comprehend and alleviate the impact of barriers to well-being. Our model of wellness transcends reliance solely on Western medicine, making it more relevant and accessible to all, embracing the wisdom of holistic, ancestral, and indigenous perspectives.

Responsibility and Relationships to land, water, and natural resources

  • MHL is invested in supporting Malama Huleia by contributing 15% of all retreat profits directly to the organization.

  • MHL is invested in supporting Black, Indigenous, People of Color and LGBTQQIP2SA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirited, and Asexual) healing practitioners' participation in training and healing retreats. 15% of all 1:1 offerings will go towards BIPOC and LGBTQQIP2SA scholarships for retreats and training programs.

Glenda Macatangay, MSW

My Healing Language, Founder

Over the years, she has held roles as the Strategy and Communications Director for various climate, equity, and social justice organizations. She also serves as an advisor for several youth-led cultural leadership organizations and coalitions. Additionally, she functions as an Integrative Wellness Consultant and Leadership Coach in various schools and districts, as well as in various companies focused on enhancing student success. Furthermore, she co-leads a parent-led Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging committee at her children's school.

In addition to her decades of experience as a social entrepreneur within the realm of social justice, social impact, and creative businesses, Glenda Macatangay boasts 30 years of experience in arts, activism, and grassroots organizing. Her endeavors have included executive producing documentary films on youth wellness and family healing, supporting lead team member for curating music festivals attended by over 33,000 individuals, and founding a community-based sustainable clothing and fashion line. She holds certifications in Family Constellations, Embodiment and Somatics, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Aerobics.

A mother to four mixed-ethnicity intuitive children ranging in age from 8 to 22, who draw upon their ancestral magic, skills, traditions, and creative expression. With over 23 years of experience across various community-based mental health, wellness, and education roles, she has established herself as a seasoned professional.

As a Psychotherapist with a foundation in evidence-based programs and frameworks, she has led functional family therapy, provided individual, couples, and family therapy, and specialized in addressing sexual abuse and trauma. She has also made significant contributions within K-12 school settings.

In her capacity as a Social Worker, she has dedicated herself to serving unhoused adults with severe mental health diagnoses, acting as a medi-cal facilitator for First 5 California, and serving as a case manager to support youth and adults in accessing healthcare and resources within Southeast Asian communities.

In her role as a Clinical Director in community-based settings, she has focused on empowering K-12 youth in both urban and rural settings, as well as youth affected by the juvenile justice system and foster care. Furthermore, she has served as a mentor and coach for clinicians, therapists, and practitioners.

Additionally, she has served as a Research Lead at SFSU's College of Ethnic Studies and SJSU's Institute of Regenerative Futures.

Macatangay is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Youth Wellness Movement, CEO and Co-Founder of Community Responsive Education and Managing Partner of UpperCloud, a media agency for social impact. She also works as an Integrative Wellness and Ethnic Studies Consultant and has served as the Operations and Business Strategist for Teaching Excellence Network, where she played a pivotal role in developing and implementing a platform for teacher feedback and professional development.