The Memory Palace Program

Transforming Pain into Purpose

Join The Memory Palace movement in supporting survivors to heal and elevate our stories

Our Commitment

Funded in part by the California Arts Council, The Memory Palace Program co-creates healing spaces with, for, and by survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault. We recognize the significance of not only elevating our survivor narratives as crucial to our individual healing, but also the necessity of continuing our healing journey within the community through as many diverse avenues to fully realize our sacred purpose. Acknowledging the perpetual nature of our healing paths, we understand the importance of nurturing all aspects of ourselves- spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental. Engaging the My Healing Language framework which draws inspiration from indigenous, holistic, and ancestral wisdom, all practitioners, facilitators and organizers, engage in this transformative healing journey alongside our program participants.

Each participant is partnered with an artist tasked with creating a personalized art piece reflective of the participants’ survivor story and healing journey. These poignant narratives and artistic expressions are then featured in a collective zine shared with schools, districts, and vision aligned organizations, serving to empower survivors, raise awareness, and dismantle the stigma, shame and silence surrounding sexual abuse.

Our Vision

In our vision, we see a world where the trauma from sexual violence is met not with silence, but with a robust support system that is holistic, expansive, and culturally and community responsive. Through practices of self-love, radical healing and genuine community care, we illuminate pathways to hope, joy, self-determination and our interconnected power. By centering our stories and emboldening our collective voice, we cultivate the conditions where sexual abuse and sexual assault can be confronted and ultimately eradicated from our communities.

Program Details

Workshop Series

We engage participants for a multi-day workshop series designed to facilitate healing through holistic, ancestral, and creative approaches.

Zine & Video Production

The personal narratives and artworks developed are compiled into a zine. We plan to distribute the zines across Sacramento schools and affiliated organizations, extending the impact and reach of our participants' stories.

Artist Involvement

Each participant is paired with an trauma-informed artist to help them visually express their healing journey, creating a supportive and transformative collaboration.

Community Engagement

The culmination of our project is marked by a community event where we unveil the zine and documentary video. This event serves as a platform for survivors to share their stories and for the community to engage directly with the narratives of healing and empowerment.

Documentation & Storytelling

We film the process with artists and participants to not only capture the powerful healing journeys, but to also create educational materials to uplift effective approaches and resources for survivors and to  further raise awareness.

Educator Wellness Program 2025 (Coming soon)

What People Are Saying

MHL retreat exceeded my expectations by an immeasurable amount. My intentions for joining the retreat was to allow myself space to reset, shed limiting myths, and to find a sanctuary within myself. This experience helped me achieve all that and more. From the practitioners to the flow of our time together, every detail was aligned with my intentions. The quality of time spent and the deep work that was done made days feel like weeks. There was an ease and balance to the itinerary that was extremely supportive. I moved energy and trauma in a way that I hadn’t been able to in any other healing setting. The way that each experience during the retreat added to the previous experiences was mind blowing. I felt deeply connected and I still do. MHL retreat impacted my healing journey by showing me the possibilities and magic that are awaiting me. It opened my heart and allowed my love to flow abundantly. This experience was necessary in learning to embody my truest self. I have so much love and gratitude for every person involved. Thank you G for bringing us all together. This was an experience I will forever cherish.
The My Healing Language retreat was...a beyond beautiful and memorable experience of everything I needed, and things I didn’t know I needed. A safe and peaceful container was opened by Glenda, and further widened by Chanel and Keema - giving me full opportunity to receive healing, rest, restoration, rejuvenation, connection and surprisingly, a deep bond and accountability with women I’d just met. After leaving the retreat, I felt transformed...and now the bond with this beautiful collective is still going strong. I’m so thankful I committed to and stepped into this experience, which I plan to do again!
The MHL retreat in Hawaii will be one that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life. The way we were all brought into the experience and connected to each other was so thoughtful and deeply healing. My experience allowed for vulnerability to reveal itself so fully because I felt completely safe and protected in the environment that was created.

I found myself opening up to hidden parts of my healing journey because of the shared healing that was happening in all of us. The other participants gave me the courage to keep going further because I saw beauty in their strength and commitment to their higher self. I’m so truly grateful for the healers that held my hand but gave me agency in every step of the process.

May this healing find it’s way to all those who are in need. I feel blessed to have been part of an incredibly humbling yet empowering healing experience that has changed me in all the best ways. My many and deepest thanks to My Healing Language for providing a space and time to create this experience.
My experience at the My Healing Language Retreat completely shifted me energetically to approach life, specifically mamahood, with clarity, gratitude, and support. The entire experience was guided by compassionate and fully equipped healing practitioners. Their approach made my healing journey feel within reach and fully supported as they also offered support both during the experience as well as integrating back home. I truly felt held and guided throughout the entire experience. The energy of the land provided an open, safe space to feel expansive, dig deeply and move freely toward my True Self.